Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Hello students!

My name is Carmen Leticia Antonio Cruz, I am currently working for the Universidad Autonoma de Chiapas, in Tapachula. I am originally from Oaxaca but I was raised in Veracruz. 

I have lived in Tapachula since 1993, and I love this town. 

While I lived in Veracruz I studied my Bachelor´s in English and my Especiality in TESOL. I also have a Master´s Degree in Education from the University of Georgia. 

Currently, I coordinate the Bachelor´s in English Distance Modality from the UNACH; and I am a full time teacher at the Language School. 

Technology is another interest I have; in my free time I like to read, write, listen to music or watch movies. 

My flaws are many but the most terrible is that I am not patient with ANYBODY!!

This is my assistant Alberto, he is currently in the 8th semester of the BA in Teaching English. He is a great person. 


  1. Hi Miss good morning.
    It is a pleasure to have you as our teacher, I see you and I can perceive a person that know what say and do... you mention that you like to read and that is something remarkable because you have a very board lexicon and a board range of knowledge.

    1. Well, thank you Kellen, I like to have you as my student, too.
      Reading to me is essential.

  2. Hello Miss, you are a such intelligent woman, the most amazing thing is that you study a Master´s Degree in Education in the University of Georgia that is really amazing, and rather you like movies, what kind of movie do you like? and your assistant it´s very friendly.

    1. Hello, YOU, what is your name? and thank you for your comment, It was great to study in Georgia, I like the movies with endings that are believable or funny ones.

    2. I am Samuel and I dont know why my name it wasn´t there

  3. What kind of books and movies do you like?

    1. I read all kinds of things in English , I like the ones with stories that are real and with endings that are true.

  4. Hi miss good evening. My dad's family is from Oaxaca too. I've been there just once. I've also been in Veracruz and I find it very lovely!
    I like reading too. Science fiction, fantansy or criminal novels are my favorite. I also like listening to music my favorite band is Coldplay. And I love watching films. But I don't enjoy the commercial movies very much. I prefer the GOOD ones like art films, independent films, author films, etc.

    1. Hello Lorena, I don´t really like coldplay, I think it is too sad, but I also like comedies because reality is sometimes too much.

    2. haha yes their songs sometimes are sad but also they have happy songs. And I agree with comedies, sometimes what we all need is a laugh

  5. Hello Miss, it was a pleasure to meet you! I have been in Oaxaca and is a beautiful place to go!
    I like reading too, my favorite book is "La Cabaña", and i like romantic books too. It is great to know that you like technology, i like it too, and i like watching movies all time, what kind of movies do you like?
    Your assistant is very friendly

    1. Hi Montsserrat Labias, You know I like watching movies all the time too and I really love romantic movies , and you? what kind of movies do you prefer? and what is your favorite one?.

    2. I usually watch comedy movies, reality is sometimes, too much, so I try to watch something stupid to laugh or relax.
      Books... I love all of them, I read books since I was 6 years old.

    3. Hello Monse

      I am So friendly thank you, so are you.

    4. Hi Monse, I have also read "La cabaña" and I love it! It's one of my favorite books too!

  6. Hello, Miss. Antonio.

    It is such an honor being part of your class, I hope I can get as much knowledge as possible from you, I admire you, and I am very glad to have you as teacher. I live for your personality, so here for it! have a good night.

    1. Thnak you Francisco, I like your class. what do you mean with "I live for your personality?"

  7. Hi Miss good evening, it is a pleasure to have you as a teacher, I really want to visit Oaxaca maybe in the next year. Guess what I'm not patient either :D I really love superheroe movies.

    1. Oaxaca is beautiful and the food is awesome. Well, impatience is not a good thing for teachers hahahhahahahaha.

  8. Good evening Miss. I like to listening music too! I think that Oaxaca is a beatiful place. I've been in Tehuantepec and I really enjoyed everything that I did there. I love watching movies but my favorite movies are horror movies😊

    1. My family is from el Istmo, it´s a great place, the food is awesome. I don´t watch horror movies, I believe they are silly.

  9. Good night miss, it is good to read about your life, i have already been to oaxaca because my dad was born there, anyway i really like to visit Veracruz, maybe one day, i was born in Tapachula, i like horror and action movies.

    1. Have you noticed that a lot of people´s family is from Oaxaca? that is great, I love the food in there.
      I don´t like horror movies because they are silly and action movies are ok but they are not real hahahahaha.

  10. Nice! That was a brief but well-built explanation. Miss Antonio Cruz has a quite complete pedagogical resume, it was a surprise to know about her Masters's Degree from the University of Georgia that is formidable for me.

    She is interested in technology, as am I, so, I am anxious to use the computer lab during a class soon.

    Also, I would like to tell that I feel proud to be a Miss Leti Antonio's student.

    1. Thank you Rafael, it was a good experience to study in Georgia. I love technology, and my idea is for your to see the different things you can do with it.

  11. Hi, Miss you are a good person but as teacher you are amazing because when you talk into the classroom you demonstrate how much you dominates the subject.You know when I became a teacher I would like to have the control of a group like you.
    I like movies too and I love romantic movies , what about you?

    1. Thanx Melissa, I try to be informed about the subject.

      I watch romantic movies but I don´t believe in them. I prefer the movies that have real stories and real endings, or comedy just to relax.

    2. Neither horror movies nor action movies, so maybe based in real facts? What abt pride and prejudice? Have you seen it?

  12. It is always a pleasure to know about my teachers, and this is not the exception, happy to know more about an excellent teacher who is good at what she does.

  13. Hello Miss Antonio!
    It is always nice to know more about our teachers. So, I think you have a very admirable professional career, and I would like to be that hard-working as you are.
    I think that a strong that you have is that you are patient but only with technology, to be honest I'm not like that. I really enjoy reading and watching films too.

    1. I am not patient Ambar, I am really impatient with EVERYTHING. I don´t like to be like that but I am.
      what kind of readings do you do?

    2. It's okay Miss, all of us have many flaws.
      I like reading novels of any kind (especially adventure, science fiction and romantic ones) and I usually read magazines or articles on Internet about curious facts or culture of other countries.

    3. Wow amabar! Do you? That´s awesome! I didn't know that you like to read the same genres as I. What book have you read?

  14. Hello Miss:
    it is nice to know more about you because as a student we always figure out the techer as a knowledge-walking person but not as a person who has interests and motivations,fears,etc.
    You are a good example as a techer due to your career.
    I would like to know more about the difficulties as a teacher you have faced.
    let me tell you I love folk music and operas. Although I know many people disagree.

    1. We, teachers, are people too, hahahahahahaha.

      I have had more difficulties with other people than with students.
      When I lived in Xalapa, I used to go to listen to the orchestra every Friday, my favorite opera is Carmina Burana.

  15. Hi Miss. I want to take this opportunity to say that I like the idea of ​​having her teacher in this subject, I sincerely hope to learn many things from you, I think you are very intelligent and above all a very interesting person. On the other hand I want to confess that I think you are very strict but at the same time that is a good example for us as future teachers.

    1. Sorry to be strict, it´s just the way I am. And students usually respond to that positively. If I were a calm person the students wouldn´t listen.

      To be strict is ok, not a bad or rude person, OK?

    2. Hi Miss ,it is good experience having you as a teacher and also is nice to know more about you.
      I want to say that I like reading too, so , what kind of books do you read?

    3. I read all kinds of stuff, I like reading in general, I always always since I was 9 years old have read before going to sleep.

  16. It's the first time I've met someone who likes Tapachula, due to the sun nobody likes it, but I think that's the best part!

    1. Of course, Debora, I agree with you because I think that the atmosphere of Tapachula is perfect for some activities that could not be carried out in cold climates or rainy environments. In fact I love the sunny and hot days, but I hate cold places, I can even get sick just with the air of a fan hahahaha

    2. What? Debora, a lot of people loves Tapachula, because of the weather, it is always appropriate to go to the beach, go out, stay out, etc. I LOVE IT!!!

  17. Hi Miss. Antonio
    It is very interesting to know more about you. It is amazing to have you as a teacher. I have visited Veracruz many times since I was a child. I think something in common we have is that we are very honest but in my case, I’m very patient with everybody and anything. In my free time I like to watch movies and do sports.

    1. It is really nice that you have been in veracruz like the Miss Antonio, . But you are no patient so Miss Antonio and you really have in common. it is realy nice that you watch movies, it is good for improve your english

  18. Hello miss!
    It's good to see that you have a good background in Education. and it's great that you have your master's degree of the University of Georgia.
    Wow so you coordinate the distance modality of of our school and a full time teacher in our school. How does that work?, How many time do yo work in each other activity? and what kind of students you teach in the distance modality?

    I also use technology and take take advantage of what it provides, but really i don´t consider myself a very technological person. I think that the use I give to technology is the average that every person give. I don´t go furthermore or have ability in technological issues.

    It´s funny, we have a major difference.
    I consider myself a really patient person, well at least with persons.

    1. Daniel. I have to divide my time in different administrative activities and also to try to complete all the work that it requires. My students online are principally adult students who didn´t or couldn´t go to the university but need a degree in Teaching.

  19. I did not the women you are, that is awesome being a teacher like you because you transmit confidence and you are like you are!

    1. Exactly Rene! I agree with you, in fact I find interesting the way the Miss gives us the class, thanks to its dynamics we are learning to be participative and that is really grateful.

    2. Thank you for your comments, you are too kind, sometimes people don´t like the way I am, but it´s there problem not mine. I can´t be different and I like to honest with everybody.

  20. hello miss, i hope you are fine, i just want u to tell you are a great teacher, i like the way you teach, i have learnt good things and behaviors that i have to be and what are my goals, irving solis perez
