Saturday, February 25, 2017

Karla Paulina Abarca Vázquez

This is my dog Dominica, she is one year old, she is small, playful but sometimes she is a little bit aggressive haha, and she is the best dog ever! For me, of course. 
My boyfriend's family gave me Dominica as a gift, and it was the most beautiful gift! She is not only a pet, she is part of my famliy too. Dominica is my best partner. I don't have sibilings but I have a dog. I love her so much! 


  1. She looks really cute, I have three dogs, and I love them so much as well. You're right they aren't just pets they are family too :)

  2. Oww that is a really cute beast, you two look really great together it seems that you love each other. I agree pets are part of the family they are not only animals they are a piece of heaven in the house

  3. Oh you both look so cute! specially your doggy Dominica.
    That's a lovely photo

  4. Oh my god she is so pretty!, i want to meet her some day.
